Product introduction
Front Hock is a popular dish made from pork leg by the stewing method. This leg is taken from the ankle where the joint between the tibia/fibula to the hoof is attached to the leg of the pig. Pork leg meat is considered the most delicious part of the pig. Lean meat is soft, not dry, and the flat part is not greasy, so it is prevalent.
The Front Hock is the middle to the upper part of the pork leg and is often divided into several slices, which have a lot of skin and meat.

Nutritional value
Not only delicious, greasy, crispy, and chewy, Front Hock is also appreciated for its great nutritional value. Front Hock nutrition is very good for the elderly and children, women who are breastfeeding. Nutritional value in Front Hock:
- Protein composition, fat provides energy for the body, Protein accounts for 26% of lean mass, providing essential amino acids for the body. The fat in pork is not fixed with saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and unsaturated fat.
- Vitamins of group B are pretty diverse in Front Hock, mainly: B1, B2, B3 ... participate in many metabolic activities in the body. Stimulating appetite, good for the skin.
- Essential minerals such as iron, and zinc ... are beneficial for the production of red blood cells, supplement blood, and improve metabolic activity in the body.
- Front Hock provides a large colloid, lipid enhances the production of joint fluid, good for nails and increases elasticity for the family.

High nutritional value, Front Hock is used to: nourish and revitalize, help sedation, improve kidney function, improve liver function... For postpartum women, eat pork leg with papaya to increase lactation.