Product introduction
Shin shank Indian IWP is the rather small fleshy part of the fore calves of a cow or buffalo. Shin shank IWP usually has a tendon membrane surrounding the meat to form a separate piece, dark red, when used as an ingredient for stews, the meat is sweet and very fragrant. The meat has alternating thin layers of tendons, so when eaten, it is quite crispy and lumpy to stimulate the taste. Shin shank IWP India is a small muscle, located inside the front calf of the buffalo - it is also the most active muscle of the buffalo, so the muscle is small, firm, and has many tendons.
Nutritional value
Shin shank IWP is the part located between the front and rear leg meat of the buffalo.
Buffalo meat in general and buffalo flower corn, in particular, are ranked at the top of the most nutritious foods because of the abundant nutrients needed by the body in buffalo meat such as protein, zinc, iron, Vitamins B6, B12, phosphorus and zinc. amino acids.