Product introduction
Ribeye boneless is very soft and delicious especially, the right choice for cooking delicious dishes. With tender beef, interspersed with light tough tendons, frozen imported beef tenderloin is suitable for sautéing, or making beefsteak, roast beef,...
This is the meat made from the beef belly. Eat sweet, soft, slightly crunchy. This part of the meat is best in the belly, the taste is better than the other belly parts near the bucket, encrusted. Ribeye boneless is often processed into dishes such as grilled vegetables, hot pot and especially pan-fried, which is the most attractive way to cook with beef fritters.

- Imported ribeye boneless is the meat from the middle of the beef belly to near the butt, the meat is very tender and the special feature of this meat has a tendon in the middle.
- Frozen imported ribeye boneless imported from Australia, Russia (depending on each shipment) is fresh and delicious in the fastest time, this helps to reduce the loss of nutrients, the quality will be kept no less than that of fresh beef.

Nutritional value
- Beef tenderloin contains many minerals, especially iron, zinc, vitamins B12, vitamin B6, protein,... necessary for the development of the body.
- In 100g of beef tenderloin, there is about 324 Kcal.
Health benefits of beef tenderloin
- Develop muscle health
- Strengthen resistance
- Regeneration of cells in the body
- Improve eye condition