Product introduction
The tail product is the tail of a pig. Each pig has only one tail, so this product is quite small compared to other pork parts. Tails have the characteristic of having cartilage in the middle, surrounded by muscle and skin, so this meat is not boring like other meat but crispy is extremely interesting.

Nutritional value
Tails are both a unique dish, reducing boredom and have high nutritional value that is good for the health of the user. In the tail, there are substances such as protein, glucid and lipid and a lot of healthy minerals such as iron, calcium ... The tendons and skin in the tails have no fat, so it is suitable for people with blood fat, who want to. Lose weight or build muscle for those who are exercising. In the pig skin at the tail, there is a lot of collagen, which is extremely good for the skin and hair of the user.

Tails according to Oriental medicine research, is cold, not hot, have a sweet taste, has a beneficial effect on the kidney, has a good effect on the spleen, complement the yin, and are beneficial for the tendons, spine and waist effective blood vessels.